Our Practice Areas
Property is fundamental to most clients. Not only does a property provide a home but also a method of securing borrowings for personal and business purposes.
Many of our clients are business people with a variety of legal requirements. They require prompt and practical advice. Often a well timed phone call can avoid a messy and expensive occuring later.
Relationships come in many forms whether personal, business of family. Knowing your rights and protecting yourself where required has become more important with changing laws.
Trusts are flexible arrangements that are used by people to protect their assets for the benefit of their families and themselves.
Our Team
Ayres Legal pride ourselves on giving each client the best service we can, on every transaction. We aim to provide you straight forward legal solutions. We proactively try to foresee and avoid a problem before it happens. Cost-effective advice is important to clients and regular reporting helps you keep track of what is happening and while keeping costs under control.